The Three Minute Citizen is a YouTube series that explores the Canadian system of government. It was published by Springtide in 2013.
The questions explored in the series include:
- Why is democracy a good thing?
- How does democracy work in Canada?
- Why do we have the system of government we do?
- How does your vote influence the formation of government?
- What role do political parties play?
- How does someone get elected?
- What is each order of government responsible for?
- Where does the government get its money, and what does it do with it? H
- How can citizens influence the political process?
My Role
I convened the project, recruited the team, researched and wrote the scripts, shot and produced the videos.
Team Credits
Mo Dresch, Graphic Illustration
Christopher Cohoon, Voicework and Script Editing
Watch the Show
You can watch the show below, or on this YouTube playlist.